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Hi all.

I've a 200 g marine reef aquarium, for a 3 years old.
My corals, are loosing colour, and i dont know why.

i use Berlin method, Skimmer Turboflotor 5000 twin, Aquamedic
calcium reactor with redsea reefbase aragonite sand,3x250 w HQI,13000k
and over 30000 l/h of recirculation.

My corals seems good, but with poor colours. I buy one Echinophora lamellosa green/yellow on saturday and today it havent any green colour.

Its occurs since a few weeks ago... i think its a possible chemistry problem, but i dont have any idea...

Any1 can help me, please ?

Thanks in advanced, and soory for my english :)


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Your English is FINE. Welcome to reefs.org, my mother is Puerto Rican and if you have an easier time with Spanish, I can ask for her help in translations. I only speak a small bit of Spanish (I know, I should learn more--family and all, one thing at a time though!), but I'm sure we can work through this. (Btw, are you familiar at all with a town called Luarca? My great-grandfather was born there.)

Ok, if you think it's chemistry, we'll need to see some parameters, at least what you're able to test for. It's helpful to know what test kit you're using, as well.

However, I am wondering about your lighting more specifically--photoperiod, age of the bulbs, etc. Anything you can add is helpful.

In the meantime, I'll link you to some good sources of information; our library here, and information on another good site I'm associated with.


and, more specifically....

I'm sorry I can't help you much beyond this, be sure to explore both sites, as you may notice something that hadn't been thought of before.


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Hi & Thks seamaiden. I'll try to answer ur questions...

My Photoperiod its...

09:00 AM Turn on 4 x 30 w Actinic blue tubs
10:00 AM " " 2 x 56 w " " "
11:00 AM " " 3 x 250w HQI 13000 ºk
19:00 PM Turn off HQI
22:00 PM " " 2 x 56 w tubs
01:00 AM " " 4 x 30 w "
01:00 AM " on 2 x 20 w Black LIght Tubs
05:00 AM " off " " " "

The HQI bulbs have 3 months old.


Ca +- 430 Ppm
Kh +- 9
Phosphate 0
nitrite 0
nitrate about 15 ppm
1025 of salinity
Ph 8.1 to 8.5

I''m using Kent Marine Aditives, like Kent Essentials Elements,
kent Coral Vite, Kent Stronium & molybdenum, kent Tech-i Iodine
Kent Karlwasser mix and kent Magnesium.
i'm using Tropic Marin MeerSaltz
i use Reverse Osmosis Unit & my system have a Aquamedic's
calcium reactor with Aragonite Sand of RedSea Fish Pharm.

Manuel Barea


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I was thinking that every so often corals get rid of thier photocells. So it would not be unreasonable to think that every so often corals will do a pigment flush.

This is just a hypothesis.


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Manuel, please read these links I'm giving you. To the best of my knowledge, corals do not just "flush" their zooxanthellae, there is usually a precursor to this self-destructive response.




Next, I want to you go to http://www.wetwebmedia.com and "ask the crew a question". Direct it specifically to Anthony Calfo, and if not him then we'll (I'm on the crew, so let's not have 'em kick it to me! If I had the answer I'd have given it to you here) figure out who should take a look at your problem. I see NOTHING in your water parameters or lighting to explain this.


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Can I ask why you run blacklight lamps at night? If these are really "black light" lamps and not actinics the excess UV could be a problem. What is your iodine level and magnesium level? If you don't test for these then I don't see the need for dosing these chemicals ... you could be running much higher levels then you need. Adding all the things you do you could be running a rather exotic mix of water chemistry. If all else fails do a water change of about 25-50%.



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Thks JCD.

Yes, i use BlackLight, 2 x 20w aporx at 50 cm of the water surface, and 4
hours of photoperiod. Do u think really cold be a problem ? Well, i'll try
to disconnect these tubes, for a few days, and i'll tell u results.

I run blacklight for my A. Oscellaris couple... they put their eggs always
at night, when blacklights are running.

My magnesium level its arround 1200 ppm and my iodine level its 0.04 ppm ( Salifert tests )

i do weekly water changes, about 10 % ( 100l/25g aprox.)

I just test my phosphates & nitrates levels.... 0.1 of Phosp. & over 10 pmm
of nitrate.... i've a serious problem with a debersia Attack.... any idea to
combat debersia algae ?

Thks in advanced.

Manuel Barea


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delbeek":3jgu3f09 said:
Can I ask why you run blacklight lamps at night? If these are really "black light" lamps and not actinics the excess UV could be a problem. If all else fails do a water change of about 25-50%.


Funny, someone was arguing with me the "validity" of wariness of UV exposure for corals. Said it just wasn't a problem. Have to agree with the water change, it never hurts, does it?



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Funny, someone was arguing with me the "validity" of wariness of UV exposure for corals. Said it just wasn't a problem. Have to agree with the water change, it never hurts, does it?

Sorry don't recall what you are refering to. In this case I said "excessive" UV ... the MH lamps he uses are producing UV and black lights are mainly UV. The corals he has may not be prepared to withstand that level of UV. UV is a normal component of the marine environment, excessive levels are not.

just test my phosphates & nitrates levels.... 0.1 of Phosp. & over 10 pmm
of nitrate.... i've a serious problem with a debersia Attack.... any idea to
combat debersia algae ?

Your phosphate is the problem ... it is about 10x too high. Reduce that and Derbesia with receed.




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OK, Thanks.

I'm using since 4 days ago, an AZOO's resine called, Algae Away Resin,
and i'll change water... i hope that my phosphates will disappear.


Manuel Barea.

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