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My LFS has had the most beautiful/healthy Birdmouth Wrasse for about 2 months now, and I asked him to hold it for me for a week or so, so that I can research this fish before purchasing. I have read that it will eat shrimp in a reef, which I do not have in my reef tank, My tank is 70 gallons and I do have snails and crabs though, also lots of soft and hard corals. My other inhabitants are-
- Percula clown
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Regal Blue
- Yellow Tang
- 3 Damsels
- Scooter Blenny
- Dottyback
Have any of you experienced a Birdmouth Wrasse in your reef tanks and if so, how did it behave with your corals and other tank mates? This one is an adult as far as I could learn by it's coloration, it is a blue/green.
Thanks In Advance



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Although it won't eat corals, and most probably wouldn't consume clams and ornamental worms, G.coeruleus is not well suited for reef aquariums. They'll quickly consume all your desirable detrivores (eg polycheates), and as you suspected, your crabs and snails would be on its menu. They get very bolsterous and aggressive towards all species of fishes, and when mature, will consume EVERY fishes you currently husband, with the exception of the Tangs; Anything that can fit into its "beak" is fair game. Also, when mature, they attain sizes up to 12" long (usually about 10"). Your 70 gallon is far too small.


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Thank you Leonard ! Thought there was more to this fish than what I've read. As disappointing as it is that such an attractive fish could behave this way ! Darn ! Best to leave it at my LFS then,

hmmmm, What about in my 80 gallon fish only ? There is a Humu Humu, Niger, Yellow Tang, and 3 black and white Damsles who lay eggs every 13 days, I am about to culture macroalgae, and rotifers to raise the fry, after I remove the egg laden coral skeleton to a separate tank of course.
Thanks Again, and I look forward to your opinion and advice, even if it's not what I want to hear, If it wont work, It won't work.



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Depending on the sizes of the Damsels (I'm assuming Dascyllus sp.), the Birdmouth may or may not be a safe addition to your FO aquarium. Just keep in mind that anything that fit into its mouth is open game. However, a reassuring note is that Dascyllus sp. are very aggressive and self-reliant; it's hard to imagine any fish short of groupers and snappers that can make a meal of it. Personally, I think you'll be fine if you purchase the G.coeruleus for your FO. The chances of problems are minimal (Tangs and Triggers are tough customers, so you need not worry).


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Thanks Again Leonard !

The damsels I have are Dascylus melanurus, and as you say, they are quite aggressive, they can sure hold their own with the Tang & Triggers that's for sure !Hopefully they can stand their ground with the Birdmouth, If not, my LFS fellow is very dependable and wouldn't hesitate to take him back if there is a problem. You wouldn't think the birdmouth wrasse could fit such large prey in it's mouth, I would have guessed it's beak was for digging in holes in the live rock for critters. It will be nice to add a new fish to my FO tank, I haven't added anything new to that one for 3 years. Everything has been so stable, even with my Dascylus laying eggs in there, I didn't want to off set anything.
Do you think the Birdmouth could get picked on at all since it has been so long since there were any new additions,The damsels that are in my reef were originally for the FO tank, when I put them in, the others started attacking them right away, so I removed them and put them in my reef. Could the birdmouth be in danger of being attacked ? I plan on moving the rocks around before adding him in order to mess up their territories.

Thanks Again For The Advice,


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I can't imagine a Birdmouth wrasse being picked on by any of your FO's current inhabitants. Besides being an extremely hardy and aggressive species, it shares no morphological similarities with any of the other fishes. The only fishes in question are the Damsels, after they've laid eggs. Other then that, I'm confident you're in the clear.

Of course, my legal disclaimer is that fishes have individual personalities, and I can't be held liable for any aggression directed at or from the G.coeruleus


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HeHe, Don't worry, I wont hold you responsible
I think I'm going to go for it now that we've figured out a way for me to care for this fish, You've eased my mind,

Thanks For Your Time & Have A Great Week !

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