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A quick question for one of my neighbors. She has a goldfish with no
plants in a 6gal Eclipse and wants to upgrade to either a JBJ nanocube
or to an Eclipse 12 - the goldfish is the only projected inhabitant,
no plants are in the project...

Do you recommend the JBJ nanocube or the Eclipse?



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Hard choice, the JBJ I feel is the better product, it has a larger volume of filtration media and is made of glass. But the 24W of lighting is a little on the high end for a non planted tank, specially for a goldfish tank where waste levels will likely be on the high side. I'd choose the JBJ personally and shield the light with some paper or similar. The Eclipse 12 uses 13W bulbs and is acrylic.



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Yeah definetly go with the original JBJ cube, the deluxe JBJ cube has 48W of light, that would certainly be too much for a non planted tank.


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