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How do u like my tropical tank been running a few years tommorow it will be refurbished to a new rio 180 tank

sorry bout the pictures the camera aint the best.
it looks sorta empty but it will soon be redone i have 2 large plecs 1 is camouflaged on the rock to the left bout 3 clown loach (15 yrs old) some white catfish never knew the name. guppys that are slowly dying out. i'll soon post pics of the new bigger tank soon. 1 unidentified catfish and a long brown loach that loves to hide under the rock to the left near thye inlet for the pump.
My tanks filtration is a fluval 304 by the way


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I dont know how big the clowns but they are very old. The move has been completed. no fish has died but a water bag exploded and my floor is wet. i'll post some pics l8r


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new tank


all pictures werre taken at night when the light was off. The new light is very powerful that when i took a picture it was all dark cos of it.
It is designd in a platform the "ring" of rocks splits the 2 different levels of stones. The thermostat and airstone is in the black box to the right that was built into the tank (theres a reflection so u cant see it right). The box has a huge hole in it (it was intentually used as a filter that came with it. it even has space for a thermostat) and the hole is 4 the pu8mp that pushes the water 2 and from. we put the thermostat in the box (to make the tank look better) but took the pump out (damn electronics). we then put the airstone in the box to get the water moving. We will be gettying live plants and backdrop andnew rocks soon to make it look better.
Can live plants grow in this sort of substrate? is only that i ask


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silent1":8upb0hyl said:
Can live plants grow in this sort of substrate?
I see no reason why they wouldn't. I have one of my tanks with a substrate very similar to yours and my plants are doing fine.


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The clowns will pick at plants, and the plecos very likely too, but I'd plant it anyways. Throw in a GOOD supply of plants and the damage they do shouldn't wipe anything out.

Here's an older shot of my 77, when my digital camera gets back I'll take some of the replanted setup:

I hate to be one of those campy nards, but you will probably find your tank looks a LOT better with a backdrop on it. Even a solid black will better define the borders.

Man, I still can't get over how big those clowns are...

Oh - just thought of one other thing if you plant the tank.. Add some driftwood, too. The plecos do eat it quite a bit and the wood may distract them from the plants.


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that tank looks fantastic
i put in some plants in my tank ( only a few testing the types) i'll post pics later. 1 amazon sword and some others i fergot the name. The reason for no backdrop is the retailer £3 per foot. rip off and he had rubbish ones too. so for now blue card


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Hey Silent1, I like your wall paper! :) :wink:

Oh, and nice tank! :P


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clown loaches hit 6-8" in the wild

nice geophagus jurupari :D


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I hate those (planted) backgrounds on FW tanks...anyways the tank looks good..Uday and Qusay, my two silver dollars, destroyed all of my plants except the anacharis(which is nearly industructible) but even that is almost gone...I plan restocking around the first of the year...

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