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Hi, I just recently purchased a few feather dusters for my marine tank. Right now they are alone in the tank, with just sand and some fake coral.

I have been researching them and they don't seem difficult to take care of. I purchased baby brine shrimp and a liquid invertebrate food to feed them. I use a syringe to feed them directly, so that they easily receive the food and causes less waste in the water.

The temperature is 84 (w/out a heater) and the sg is 1.023.

They are in their tubes and seem fine and healthy.

My question is, will I have success If I make sure water quality is fine and I do everything right? The reason I am asking is b/c I recently came across another forum where the pple were saying it is difficult to care for them and they ended up dying and didn't have sucess with them..etc.


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I heard the same thing when I first started ,y tank two years ago. I love these little guys and have 6 of them now. If they are not happy, they will pop off their head and disappear. I have had this happen twice, thinking I had lost them. 6 months later when I was adding more live rock, I found them thriving in a different part of the tank. They relocate in the middle of the night if they are not happy also. I got an anemone (red bubble tip) that positioned himself near the tube. He moved over night to the other end of an 80 gal tank!

As for feeding, go to brineshrimp.com and get ye a set up for hatching your own babies. I am constantly running a batch and I feed about 20cc from a large irigation syringe (available at walmart) with no needle and some air tubing to get it where I want in the tank. Corals and every one else loves this too. You will find that if you target feed them, they will close up and get nothing. Just put it in the tank and let your ciculation take care of it.

Hers's a picture of one of mine. Good luck, post some pictures!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v223/ ... C01240.jpg



Experienced Reefer
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I have good luck with feather dusters, a little DT's and lots of calcium seems to work. I dont direct feed... Please correct if im wrong but feathers dont need light for any reason right? just filter feeders?


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