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Apex Freak
Amityville, NY
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LIRA's April 2018 Meeting, 4/6/2018

Hi Everyone,
The Long Island Reef Association's (LIRA) April 2018 meeting will be on Friday, 4/6/2018.

Speaker: Mike Cuttone (MikeC), LIRA Member
Topic: Presentation and discussion on his dominant soft coral reef tank.
Mike's tank was featured by ReefCentral's for January 2016 Tank of the Month (TOTM).

Links to Reefkeeping Magazine article and the ReefCentral TOTM Thread
Reefkeeping.com Magazine: http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/163-tank-of-the-month

ReefCentral TOTM Thread: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2548820&highlight=january+2016+tank+of+the+month

Time: 7:45pm
Location: Acan Lighting Office

"I must admit I always thought it was a little corny and seemingly rehearsed how these things always start out with the nominee saying" I am truly honored". Now that it has become me and my tank of the month (TOTM) I honestly understand what it means and I must say I am truly honored! Thank you Reef Central, Reefkeeping Magazine, and the hobbyist for your love and contributions to the hobby."

Club Website: http://www.longislandreef.org

April Raffle: TBA

Please see the club's website for address to the meeting.

Hope to see you there!

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