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has anyone ever kept any jawfish in a nano? i was planning on gettin one for my nano .i have a 15 with lots of sand and LR for building. is this sufficient enough?


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I would say probably not. They make extensive tunnels and are very capable (and prone to) jumping if spooked. A small tank may amplify the jumping factor as well, so you would have to keep it well covered. If you do cover it, the fish would likely be alright so long as it had 4-6" of sand to dig in. Just expect not to be able to keep much of anything else in there because it will move the sand faster than a bulldozer...



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You want the sandbed to keep him happy. I would stagger rocks or use an eggcrate grid on pvc pilings in the bed to make sure there is plenty of tunnel space. I am trying to set up my dragonet/mandarin 29 so that a tunneling gobie or jawfish would also be happy in it down the road.


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Wade: I've experienced just the opposite with Yellowheaded Jawfish. As long as you have a tank decent sized tank 10-20gallons with 4-6" of sand they do really well. I ran into problems when I tried keeping them in my bigger tanks. They seem to feel more comfortable in the smaller tanks with no other fish.

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