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I found a distributor for $70 including shipping in the USA.

The Marine Aquarium Society of Los Angeles County meets the 2nd Friday of Every Month.
More info at http://www.maslac.org. Upcoming events:
April 13 Meeting: Frag Swap. Speaker: Steve Tyree
May 11 Meeting: Eric Borneman speaking.
May 12 LFS and Reef Tank Tour and BBQ

[This message has been edited by DennisL (edited 02 April 2001).]


Yup, it's there. However, the book is in GERMAN.
I did an English book search and couldn't find it anywhere on their website. When I did a German book search, I found it no problem. So I guess I'm out of luck since I can't read German well.

Any other recommended bookstores on the net?



Oh, and this is just a fyi for anyone reading this post...here's what the book covers. After reading this, I decided that I'm going to ask my Financial Advisor (i.e. my lovely wife
) what the odds are of me purchasing this book this week!

From the Publisher
Coral reef comunities are among the most complex, mature and productive ecosystems on earth. Their activity resulted in the creation of vast lime constructions. Being extremely productive and having the function of a powerful biofilter, coral reefs play an important role in global biogeochemical processes and in the reproduction of food resources in tropical marine regions. All aspects of coral reef science are covered systematically and on the basis of a holistic ecosystem approach. The geological history of coral reefs, their geomorphology as well as biology including community structure of reef biota, their functional characteristics, physiological aspects, biogeochemical metabolism, energy balance, environmental problems and management of resources are treated in detail.


Table of Contents
Introduction 1
1 Reef Lime Constructions 4
1.1 Geological History, Features of Geomorphology 4
1.2 Biological Factors of Formation and Erosion 17
1.3 Bottom Sediments 28
2 Reef Environments 34
2.1 Hydrodynamics and Thermohaline Features of Reef Waters 34
2.2 Nutrients 45
2.3 Organic Matter in Reef Waters 65
3 Plankton in Coral-Reef Waters 73
3.1 Bacterioplankton 73
3.2 Phytoplankton 90
3.3 Zooplankton 104
4 Benthic Microflora, Periphyton and Plant Associations 127
4.1 Bacteria and Microalgae in Reef Bottom Sediments 127
4.2 Periphytonic Overgrowth 137
4.3 Bottom Plant Associations 143
5 Reef Zoobenthos 161
5.1 Molluscs 161
5.2 Sponges 173
5.3 Wormlike Animals 181
5.4 Benthic Crustaceans 188
5.5 Reef Echinoderms 194
5.6 Tunicates 201
5.7 Bryozoans 203
5.8 Foraminifera and Other Benthic Protozoa 204
5.9 Insects 208
5.10 Distribution, Communities Structure and Abundance 208
6 Coral Reef Fish 215
6.1 Introduction, Diversity, Taxonomy 215
6.2 Communities Structure, Abundance, Distribution 221
6.3 Feeding of Reef Fish 229
6.4 Aspects of Behaviour 238
6.5 Propagation of Reef Fish 245
6.6 Conclusion 249
7 Communities of Corals in Reef Ecosystems 250
7.1 Coral Communities: Composition and Formation 251
7.2 Communities Structure of Reef Corals 259
7.3 Factors Controlling Coral Community Structure 280
7.4 Reproduction of Corals 285
8 Morphology and Ecological Physiology of Corals 296
8.1 Features of Ecological Morphology 296
8.2 Biomass of Living Tissues 299
8.3 Ecological and Physiological Aspects of Endosymbiosis 303
8.4 Ecological Physiology of Photosynthesis in Corals 313
8.5 Ecological Biochemistry of Corals 321
9 Nutrition of Corals 326
9.1 Autotrophic Feeding of Corals 326
9.2 Heterotrophic Feeding of Corals 337
9.3 Energy Balance and Specific Growth Rate of Corals 365
10 Biogeochemical Metabolism and Energy Flows in Reef Ecosystems 369
10.1 Biogeochemical Metabolism of Organic Matter 369
10.2 Biogeochemical Metabolism of Other Elements 383
10.3 Model Studies and Energy Budget in Reef Ecosystems 384
11 Destruction and Recovery of Reef Systems, Reef and Man 391
11.1 The Acanthaster Problem 391
11.2 Destruction of Corals by Physical Stress 401
11.3 Coral Diseases 406
11.4 Anthropogenic Impacts 407
11.5 Reef Fishery 415
11.6 Problems of Monitoring and Rational Use of Reef Resources 420
11.7 Protection, Monitoring and Rational Use of Resources; Artificial Reefs 423
References 427
Subject Index 463


Eric (or anyone else):

Where is the best place to buy Coral Reef Ecology (Ecological Studies, V. 102) by Yuri I. Sorokin? I see it's available from Amazon.com and Borders.com for $82 but after my last experience w/ getting hard to find books from either of these places, I'd apprecitate any advice you could give me on finding this book.




I got mine from Italy...forgot how I found the source but it was around 70 US dollars.


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