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I'm going to get back into the hobby, and our 75g that's been FOLR for the past 2 years will be upgraded for softies, mushrooms, maybe an lps or two

sugestions on lights? I was thinking a 400w 20kk offcenter, like I used to use, only I had an iwasaki before, not sure what bulb to get.

Skimmer? Not sure what's out there now, I have a RSB in the sump, but it needs a new pump, it's using a kent venturi, works ok, HSA 1000 in garage, but that thing is complete overkill for this size tank

Flow? I have a seaswirl on it, but it's dead, no longer swirls, non repairable either, I've got a wavemaker setup on x10 clickerless mod, with old maxijet 1200's that need replacing, maxijet still the in tank powerhead to beat?

any other new hardware to make my life easier? We have auto top off already setup


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400W for softies? :D Bigger plans for the future, maybe? ;) You like your tank pretty blue? If so, try the 20kk XMs. (Check out Thales' tank for a preview! :) ) Consider lumenarc reflectors as well.

You want a needlewheel skimmer? I'm in hunt for one as well and you might consider these (the ones I've narrowed my own list to): AquaEuros, Orcas, or an Octopus. I'll probably end up getting the Orca, though!

Maxijets are still on top of the market but they're on the low side of flow. Vortechs and tunze streams are popular for their 'spread' flow but might not be necessary for softies only and are a bit of $$$. Hydor koralias have also caught the eye of many but are a bit bulky. An oceans motions is also an excellent option here, depending on which way you want to go!

Hardware to make your life easier? Maybe a controller (reefkeeper II or a aquacontroller jr. or III), or a reactor. Can't think of much else. :P

HTH at least a little.

P.S. You part of a local reef club in GA? :D


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I dont know who runs the reef club here now, when I joined Jen was running it

I've got a controler allready, I'm using it for temp/lights/wavemaker right now

Those xm's pretty blue? I like a white/blue tank, vho 50/50 half 10k half actinic is my favorite light, but I already have these 400w setups and reflectors leftover from my 220g sps tank

who sells the orca's?


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There's two clubs now: Atlanta Reef Club and Atlanta Southeastern Marine Aquarium Society. :D Jenn's not a member of either one anymore, though.

Yeah, the XMs are pretty blue! Look at some pictures here but imagine it looking a little bluer in person: http://www.reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.p ... &start=100 - Just the way I like it, though! :P

If you like it a little less blue, you might consider the a 14kk Hamilton or Ushio.

The Orcas are made my Orca systems. www.protein-skimmer.com

Also, you know about aquabuys.com ? Sammy is really helpful and provides excellent customer service and great prices! Local pick-up in Lawrenceville, too! 8) (I know mcdounough is a little far from there, but definitely check him out!)


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finding a needle wheel impeller recirc skimmer that fits in my cabinet is proving to be a challenge

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