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We've summarized all of the MACNA topics here for you at a glance. The names below link to their bio and topic synopsis on the MACNA XXI website.

Jake Adams: Jake will be giving a overview of how water flow behaves in basic aquarium shapes
Chris Brightwell: Coming Soon!
Anthony Calfo: Coming Soon!
John Coppolino: Angelfish in Reef Aquaria: From QT and Adaptation to Pairing and Spawning
Justin Credabel: Grafting and Fusing Coral
J. Charles Delbeek : The Ultimate Living Room Aquarium: Helping to Raise Public Awareness of Coral Reefs in a BIG Way!
Jose Dieck : Calcium Reactors? In, Out and Everything in Between
Scott Fellman : Home propagation of Gracilaria for Fun and Food!
Ken Feldman : Tracking the fate of organic carbon through the marine aquarium.
Robert Fenner : The Pros & Cons of Hitchhikers in the Reef Aquarium
Lindsey Kayal : Bryopsis and Its Control in The Reef Aquarium
Richie Kohler : Shadow Divers, Searching for Hitler's Lost Sub
Jim Grassinger : Water conservation in RO/DI water making with dual membranes
Kelly Jedlicki : Coming Soon!
Sanjay Joshi : Lighting Measurement
Chris Jury : From Molecules to Monoliths, Calcification on Coral Reefs
Kevin Kohen : High-Tech Home Larvae Rearing System to raise the elusive McCulloch?s Clownfish- (Amphiprion mccullochi)
Marc Levenson : Working With Acrylics - Demonstration
Scott W. Michael : Coming Soon!
Frank Marini Ph.D. : Coming Soon!
Ray Owczarzak : Tips and Tricks for Plumbing your Reef Tank
Julian Sprung : Accidental hybridization: Sharing of genes among sea-dwelling creatures, with many evolutionary consequences
Martin Moe : Rearing an Urchin in the Florida Keys, Implications for the coral reefs and marine aquarists
Steven Pro : Propagation as a Business: From Frag Tank to Full Facility
Randy Reed : Coming Soon!
Rich Ross : Keeping Cephalopods; An Alien in your tank
Marc Tetreault : Aquascaping with Dry rock ?Tips and tricks?
Matthew Wittenrich : New Ideas and Approaches in Reef Fish Propagation
Joe Yaiullo : Building and Maintaining a Sexy 20,000 Gallon Reef Tank


cherrycorals.com farmer!
Livonia, Mi
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I can't wait! MACNA is my favorite event of the year. This will be my third year going... I should have started going years ago!

If anyone is on the fence about going, just go... You will be glad you did!

Even if you don't go to see the speakers, the trade show is insane! Loads of freebies and great people to talk about the hobby. You will leave with your head spinning full of ideas for your tank...


new jersey
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Pssssttttt?. There?s still time before the webmaster has a chance to update the pricing. Get your MACNA XXI Ticket NOW, before the discount ends!
Its getting close...real close
In just a few short weeks MACNA XXI, September 25,26,27 at the Convention Center in Altantic City , New Jersey will be here.
If you've ever been to MACNA you know what you'll be missing....
If you 've NEVER been to MACNA, you don't want to miss it!!!!
Here's why:
-30 Industry renowned Special Guest speakers
-Workshops right on the trade show floor
-Raffles ( Fri, Sat, Sun )
-Friday Night with the NERDS
-Saturday Night Banquet with Special Guest Speaker Richie Kohler
-100 Saltwater/Reefkeeping Industry Vendors
Now's the time to go to the website www.macnaxxi.com and get your ticket.
You have to be there to experience it.....
and it'll be an experience you won't want to miss!!!
SEPTEMBER 10 the pre-show discounts end
Full Conference is $139, will be $159
3 Day Pass ( no evening events ) is $99, will be $109
Single Day Pass ( no evening events ) is $45, will be $55
Checks will only be accepted through September 10.
After that you'll need to use Paypal to complete your registration.
Purchase Evening event passes for your traveling companions:
Friday Night: $35
Saturday Night: $45
Both Nights: $70
Register today to save!


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The show has received such outstanding support from our fellow hobbyists and industry vendors, NJRC has decided to extend the pre-show prices allowing more of our very loyal and supportive hobbyists to enjoy this industry leading event!
NJ Reefers Club will be extending our pre-show discounts until we cut off web orders on September 21.
Pre-show Full Conference is $139, At the door will be $159
Pre-show 3 Day Pass ( no evening events ) is $99, At the door will be $109
Pre-show Single Day Pass ( no evening events ) is $45, At the door will be $55
Get YOUR ticket TODAY and help make this the best MACNA ever!!!
Go to www.macnaxxi.com


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Act now, while supplies last! We will continue web orders until Monday 9/21. Due to the overwhelming response we are nearing capacity at the banquet and reception. Be sure to get your full conference pass now to avoid being locked out of the party!

See you next week!


new jersey
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Here's another note from one of our MANY exhibitors:
This Friday--Saturday--Sunday--THE EVENT OF THE YEAR
If you are anywhere in the Eastern half of the country the drive to MACNA will be an easy one this year as the event is hosted by the NJ reef club and is located at Atlantic City, NJ. The NJ reefers are masters of hosting such events so this should be one of the very best MACNAs ever!!!!!!!!!
There will be tons of great vendors with every imaginable type of reefkeeping equipment and livestock for you to look at, touch, ask about, and buy. World renowned speakers are lined up to help answer your most detailed questions, entertainment of the finest imaginable, and the shear fact that you will be there with over 1000 fellow hobbyists all with the same goal in mind--learning how to better keep our critters in our personal reefs.
IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER OR ADVANCED HOBBYIST THIS IS THE ONE EVENT YOU MUST ATTEND!!!!!! NO WHERE ELSE WILL YOU BE SURROUNDED BY SO MANY FELLOW HOBBYISTS, LIVESTOCK, AND EQUIPMENT!! Come for the weekend or JUST ONE DAY, it will be well worth your time. While online forums such as this one are great, there is no comparison to actually living reefkeeping live and in person at the grand daddy event of the year--BE THERE!!!!!
Stop by our booth and say Hi!! we will be offering for sale 100+ clams, 1200+ frags, our own unique Pieces Of The Reef, our own exclusive Australian Ultimate Rainbow Acans, and so much more. All at special super low show prices!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr.Mac, www.pacificeastaquaculture.com

Here's the floor plan of where the vendors are going to be. See you at the show!!
MACNA Floor Plan_Handout.jpg

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