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Hey guys so I have some nitrate issues that I thought I had under control. Im doing some water changes and I feel that I should do something else to bring it down. Right now I'm running TLF bio-pellets that I started a month ago. Is there something else I can do?


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live rock, live sand, carbon dosing, water changes. Since you are already using the bio-pellets I think you can dose a little carbon as well, that should drop the N down pretty good. But once you start carbon dosing, the question would be why use bio-pellets at all


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Freehold NJ
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I run a 225 mixed reef with a large bio load. I started Bio pellets to keep my Nitrates in check. They take quite a while to kick in and show results. My Nitrates are now undetectable and I worry I went too far in the other direction.
I also run a 40 gal Fuge that I need to trim a basketball size of cheato from every month.
I wouldn't rush to do too many things at once. 25 is not horrible for nitrates. Give it at least 3 months to work and six to nine months to really settle in and be stable.


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Bellmore, NY
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I used a salifert test kit last night and it read 50ppm. The elos kit don't go past 25ppm

Dilute it 50/50 with RO and then multiply your result by 2. Or dilute it higher and multiply by whatever to get back to the answer.

I ran vinegar alongside my biopellets. The biopellets themselves never really took off for me. Just melted and nothing. After I got the vinegar to the right dose the pellets just clogged up and I took them offline. Nitrates have been stable for a few weeks now at 15ppm which is working for me. They were originally off the scale!

greg 45

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bayonne / nj
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I have tried all the hype pellets / vodka / vinegar methonal reactor .. Depending on how well stocked or overstocked your system is. Water changes are useless. I have been running a sulfur denitrator built by bill wann at aquarium for some time now. Easy to set up and really no maintenance. Set and count drips from return is all that's needed. I have a for sale thread in the market place . If you want a picture look at his sight or I can send you one . Hope this helps.


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A combination that I have read works but takes patience is:

Vodka dosing, mild dose, increased and decreased as tests come back clear
Effective macro tank/area

The people that are having success with it both indicated it took many months for nitrates to be consumed but once the bacteria and macro took a hold of the process all they do each week is test nitrates and decrease vodka or increase for the week, depends on the read out.

Until they got there they maintained with weekly water changes, large at that, one of the tasks I hate most.

Anyhow, whether pellets or vodka, to avoid casualties about 6 months to get in a rhythm


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if i was you, i will dose Vinegar (is less aggressive than Vodka) than some Chaeto , leave the Bio-Pellets along , monitor the Nitrate, when go close to zero, start to decrees the Vinegar, also add some Special Blend Bacteria, takes some weeks, but is safe.


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if i was you, i will dose Vinegar (is less aggressive than Vodka) than some Chaeto , leave the Bio-Pellets along , monitor the Nitrate, when go close to zero, start to decrees the Vinegar, also add some Special Blend Bacteria, takes some weeks, but is safe.
Vio, do you mean stuff like Prodibio or something more economical?


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Manny have you thought about a nitrate reactor? I have one but didn't set it up because I like the ARID but that turned out to be a waste of time.

Right now I am back to my daily water changes of 3 gallons a day and so lets see how that works out.
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